In addition to passing on good habits to our children, we can also pass on bad ones, like eating the right foods and going to bed at an early hour. Think of your dental habits. Parents who fear going to the dentist are more likely to have kids with cavities, according to studies. There’s a serious problem, but it’s one that can be easily fixed.
It’s common to suffer from dental anxiety, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have consequences. You might not realize how much of an impact being afraid of the dentist can have on your children. Parents who suffer from dental anxiety are likely to visit the dentist less often than they should for regular cleanings. As a parent, it can be particularly challenging to keep up with your child’s dental care if you’re unable to do so yourself. Your children can also inherit less obvious dental problems. The cavities in a parent’s mouth can spread to their children’s mouth. By sharing a spoon or kissing your baby, you are helping your child develop social skills. Keeping cavities at bay can be difficult when mouth-to-mouth contact is present. Children of all ages are affected by untreated cavities, research shows.
It’s important for your child to visit the dentist every six months for regular checkups. In case you have difficulty taking your child to the dentist because of your own fears or anxiety, ask a friend or relative if they can take your child instead. One of the most important things to remember is that children are better off visiting the dentist sooner than later. In addition, you can protect your child from cavities by avoiding high-risk cavity-promoting behaviors such as rationing your child’s sugar intake, weaning your child off their baby bottle after 12 months, and avoiding sugary sodas.
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