Tannins in coffee can affect your dental health. Therefore, that java you drink as part of your morning kick-off can inadvertently impact your smile. Remember – whatever can stain your clothes, carpeting, or other material can stain your teeth. The following information gives you more information about the tooth-staining tannins in coffee and what you can do about them.
Tannins are polyphenols that are found in coffee, tea, and red wine. Tannins cause color compounds to stick to the teeth. When this happens, it yellows or discolors the teeth. You only have to drink one cup of coffee each day for tannins to leave their mark. If you want to remove or prevent this type of discoloration, you have to practice a conscientious routine of brushing and flossing.
To remove stains on teeth caused by tannins, you need brush for two minutes at least twice a day (remember the 2+2 rule of good dental hygiene). Floss at least once daily as well. Right after you drink your morning brew, drink some water and swish gently. That will prevent more intense staining. It also helps to eat foods that tend to scrub the teeth clean, such as celery, carrots, apples, pears, and whole grain cereals. Therefore, you might eat a whole grain cereal for breakfast when you drink your morning brew. If stains have already set in, contact our office about a professional cleaning and inquire about in-office whitening. An in-office whitening can be done in only 30 minutes, and the results are dramatic.
Would you like to know more about whitening your teeth? If so, we are only a phone call away. Why not give us a phone call today and set an appointment for a teeth-whitening consultation? You can still drink your coffee and have whiter teeth too.
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